[ale] OT: who's bought/seen Caprica?

Robert Reese~ ale at sixit.com
Mon May 4 12:25:27 EDT 2009

> On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Robert Reese~ <ale at sixit.com>
> wrote:
>>>> I can't believe someone prefers the new Starbuck to Face from
>>>> the A-Team. :)
>>> More pleasant to look at, my friend, and still charming.
>> Hmmm.... is it me or does it seem disjointed to refer to a female
>> as a "buck", the term applied to male deer?
> Hmmm. You clearly have not seen the show :-) Her character had more
> testosterone AND estrogen than any other THREE characters combined.

 Among other things, the mind reels.

> You do not want not be on her bad side. You do not want to try and
> best her in a drinking contest. You better be a marathon athlete if
> you want to have a chance of keeping up in the sack. And she could
> do things with a fighter ship that no one else could do with
> barfing for a week.

I think I dated her way back when.  She was definitely a Space-Case.

> And Face was in the show as well.

Lemme guess... Daddy Starbucks?

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