[ale] [ANNC] Dorkbot, Wed. April 8th == Freeside Hackerspace
aaron at pd.org
Sun Mar 29 16:34:55 EDT 2009
The next DorkBot event is Wed, April 8th, 7:30pm
< http://dorkbot.org/dorkbotatl/upcoming_meetings/2009_04_08.php >
The featured Beth Milliken talk on the new Freeside /
Hackerspace organization may be of special interest
to ALE members.
A quick look at the groups active wiki...
...shows that a fair amount of effort and organizing
has already been done or is under way.
I find the possibility of a collaborative work & play
space for Open Source projects and interest groups is
an energizing idea. Imagine having a permanent shared
facility, even if just a larger old home or a warehouse
space, that serves as a social center for many of our
region's community minded technology fans. Such a space
could be in daily use with install fests, community
projects, refurb and build facilities for [donated]
hardware, group meetings, community social activities,
community outreach & education and general information
If several area tech interest groups were to share the
costs and management through a sponsoring [*EXISTING?*]
formally chartered group with 501c3 status to provide
the needed board structure and a path to grants and
deductible donations, I believe an OSS Free Software
Hacker CoOp community space could become a very affordable,
functional and productive reality that could be of
benefit to both the parties involved and the broader
public community.
[ BCC to reps of PD.org, Eyedrum.org,
FreeITathens.org, OSSatlanta.org ]
According to their wiki site, the Freeside organizing
group is currently meeting every Monday at 7:30PM in
Manuel's Tavern. I'm going to try to attend tomorrow
and I invite interested ALE members to join me.
Beth Milliken
Freeside Atlanta non-profit Hackerspace
Freeside is a new Atlanta based non-profit Hackerspace -
encouraging collaboration and innovation across hardware
and software disciplines without the constraints of
corporations or academia.
Also presenting on the April 8th bill:
Travis Thatcher/Scott Driscoll
The Voice of Saturn, DIY modular synthesizer and
for details and directions link for WonderRoot
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