[ale] IBM to buy SUN?

dmcnash at charter.net dmcnash at charter.net
Wed Mar 18 20:41:50 EDT 2009

---- Jonathan Rickman <jrickman at gmail.com> wrote: 
> On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 1:24 PM, <dmcnash at charter.net> wrote:
> If you haven't seen anything come out of Sun since Java...then you need to
> take a long hard look at Solaris 10.

I'm talking "change the world" stuff (well that might be exaggerating.) 
JAVA was a world changer. Solaris 10 sounds incremental.  I never liked Solaris so I avoid it.  I never figured out what a Silo Overflow was, something to hold cow food?.  For all I know it might be wonderful so I guess I should just shut up. 

On a related note, it appears that another UNIX OS will eventually join SCO in the tarpit.  Killed by linux?  I can't see IBM keeping both AIX and Solaris.

doug mcnash

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