[ale] LUG at GT Meeting - 03.11.2009: Useful Utilities (Roundtable)

Ryan Curtin ryan at igglybob.com
Mon Mar 9 08:57:53 EDT 2009

The Linux Users Group at Georgia Tech presents

"Useful Utilities"
  by various people

Mar. 11, 2009, 7:00 PM
Klaus Advanced Computing Building, room 1447
  (this is a new room!)


  This week's presentation is a roundtable presentation!  Anyone who
knows of a useful utility that they would like to share can come and
give a quick overview of the utility.  Utilities that have been covered
in past similar presentations include xargs, yakuake, filelight,
superkaramba, cmus, and screen.

Upcoming presentations:

  - 2009.03.18: No presentation (Spring Break)
  - 2009.03.25: GNU Screen
  - 2009.04.01: Toy Languages (Roundtable)

Do note that the presentation is in the Klaus building from now on and
not the CCB; for those not familiar with the campus, the buildings are
right next to each other.  Directions will be updated on the website.

Hope to see you there!

Ryan Curtin       | "Do they hurt?"
ryan at igglybob.com |   - Jessica 6

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