[ale] New Nvidia Drivers

Omar Chanouha ofosho at gatech.edu
Wed Mar 4 22:09:52 EST 2009

I don't know if this message will help anyone, but it may.

If you happen to be running a desktop with nvidia drivers, and your
distro does not automatically update you to the bleeding edge, ie.
gentoo. Then you might want to consider getting the new 180.* series
of drivers have resolved what I would consider a huge bug with
firefox. Prior to updating, certain sites, gmail specifically, would
scroll very slowly and hi-res flash videos were very choppy.

You can get your current driver number from /proc/driver/nvidia/version

and you can test your driver with this site:


Just go there and scroll up and down quickly, if it scrolls your good.
If it freezes and your CPU jumps to 99%, your not so good.

Hope that is not old news, and helps someone,

-OFosho, Miami Dolphin and Relieved Nvidia User

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