[ale] setting an env variable that apache will see when calling a cgi script

Brandon Checketts brandon at brandonchecketts.com
Mon Jul 20 17:03:18 EDT 2009

Geoffrey wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out how to set an env. variable that will be 
> available to a perl cgi script.  I've tried putting it in the 
> /etc/sysconfig/httpd file as well as in the /etc/init.d/httpd script, 
> but it does not find it's way to the process that executes the cgi.
> Anyone know how to do this?  For example:
> print $ENV{'FOO'};

You can set them inside your Apache config with the mod_env Apache module, which
should be included with most basic Apache installations.

   ServerName your.domain.com
   ... your other configuration here...
   SetEnv  somevar  "some value"

Documentation for the module is at
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_env.html is pretty straightforward.

The mod_setenvif is a bit more flexible and allows you to use conditionals to
set environment variables.  Documentation at


SetEnvIf Host !"^www\.hostname\.com$" wronghost=1

That will set the environment variable 'wronghost' to 1 if the HTTP_HOST header
is not 'www.hostname.com'.  Your Perl script can then respond accordingly
(perhaps redirecting to the correct domain name in this case)

Brandon Checketts

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