[ale] oops - mea culpa - Re: mass email for school and school web site

Robert Reese ale at sixit.com
Mon Jul 13 04:06:08 EDT 2009

aw, darn.  I just spent three hours crafting one of the longest emails I've sent in years as a reply to a 6-WEEK old post?  ::insert emoticon of smiley smashing forehead into monitor... ::


Sorry everyone.

I *really* gotta pay attention to the sorting in this yet another new  (but this time permanent) email client!!!  AND now I remember why I always used to QUEUE the messages rather than send them immediately.

Still, I hope the information one day finds its way on someone's screen that will find it informative and useful.  Until then, I'll be over here in the corner, quietly sobbing.

aw, darn.


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