[ale] [JOBS] Sr. Systems Administrator positions

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Thu Feb 26 07:02:33 EST 2009

> legitimate, what are we to make of 5 years of Red Hat administration
> being considered "Senior" or any other head-scratcher that appears in a
> posting (like, say, "20 years of Perl programming" or "C, C+, and C++")?

It's like a wish list for dating.. Everyone's wish list
is a little unreal, we all end up meeting someone that
in many ways falls far short of our wish list, and in
other ways, blows it out of the water.

We are all programmers, or at least, programmer/sysadmin types
and if we see:

   if ( $YearsOfRedHatCertifiedSysAdmin > 5 ) { .....

We don't realize that the HR and pointy haired management type
MIGHT really mean:

   if ( $ApplicantKnowsRedHat > $Our2CollegeInterns) { .....

Heck, the really good news is: There are jobs out there! WooHoo!

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