[ale] 4 way timer

brobinso at tfn.net brobinso at tfn.net
Sun Feb 22 23:23:46 EST 2009

>> A chess timer counts down, I think.  Does yours count down
>> like a timer or up like a stopwatch?

In the end, it probably doesn't matter.  Tho it should count up.  if I 
find something that counts down, though, I can always just do the math.

> Also, I'm not sure what happens if you press one and then 4.
> If you *always* start 2 after 1 and 3 after 2, etc., then you'd just
> need two keys to have an N-way timer.  Hit, say, enter, to start
> a new timer and stop the last one, and, say control-C to stop the
> last timer and print all of the timings.

I will need to go not necessarily in order.  I might go 1,3,2,4,1,3,2, 
each shutting off the previous timer.

I'm trying to avoid writing it in python, since in the end, it'll break, 
since I'm an amateur, and the fancier it looks, the more likely I can sell 
it to professional scientists.

The stopwatch that was offered before was not appropriate, since starting 
one should stop the previous one.

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