[ale] [OT] Take your online skills challenge now...

Adam Allred prozaconstilts at gmail.com
Sun Feb 22 00:22:24 EST 2009

So I got really bored tonight, and remembered that I keep hearing about 
this site:


on the radio as I drive to work. So I figured I'd humor myself and see 
how I stacked up to getting a M$ certification. From the sound of the 
commercial, I wasn't expecting anything like systems administration or 
software development...but I was really surprised by what I saw.

Here's an example of what I was asked:


Needless to say, the entire test was kinda like this, and really rather 

I know that the technology that makes MS products run is very advanced, 
and there are plenty of extremely smart people out there that do 
incredible things to get it to work...but what exactly does a site like 
this hope to achieve for someone, aside from taking all your money?


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