[ale] ALE CENTRAL MTG for Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009, 7:30pm (reminder)

Aaron Ruscetta arxaaron at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 16:32:12 EST 2009

Our feature presentation for the
ALE Central Meeting on Thursday,
February 19, 2009, 7:30pm,  at
Emory Law School Gambrell Hall
Room 1C will be:

"Getting to Know Cobbler"

presented by
Derek "Goozbach" Carter,
Certified Linux Instructor

– Debian's "preseed", RedHat's "kickstart", SUSE's "autoYAST" and similar
Linux based installation automaton systems are all very useful. However,
setting up and maintaining the environments that enable these systems
to work properly can be time consuming and prone to error.
– Cobbler is an installation provisioning and automation system which
leverages these existing system tools to create a powerful installation
server which allows for rapid bare-metal provisioning of a myriad of
Linux distributions and lesser operating systems. This presentation is
an opportunity to learn the basics of Cobbler and see how easy it is to
use this powerful tool in your own environment.

– Derek Carter (goozbach as his online friends know him) is an
active participant in the Open Source community. Part-founder of
two Linux users groups and a former Linux instructor for Guru Labs
(The industry leader in hands-on Linux training). He has taught Linux
classes all over the United States and the world for such companies
as Red Hat, IBM, Novell, HP, Lockheed Martin and others. Derek
has been actively using Linux as his primary OS since 1999. He's a
certified RedHat instructor and examiner. He's also a Star Wars
geek who has been known to dress up as obscure characters and
wait in line for the premiers.

The ALE meeting time frame is 7:30pm to ~9:30pm
Directions to Emory Law School can be found at:
< http://mail.ale.org/?page_id=2 >

As always, these details are also available
at the < http://ALE.org > web site.

Aaron Ruscetta
ALE Event Coordinator
arxaaron at gmail.com

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