[ale] My mail ends up as SPAM

James Taylor James.Taylor at eastcobbgroup.com
Wed Feb 18 09:24:29 EST 2009

More than likely.  Or you could set up a secondary mx for your for the outpostsentinel.com domain.  That would make the reverse lookups happy.  If the server is outgoing only, then you wouldn't have to worry about it coming in there if you don't want it to.
I have my outgoing mail going directly to the internet, but my incoming is relayed through my spam filter server.  The only address allowed to send incoming smtp traffic to the mail server is the spam filter.  I have a secondary mx configured for the outgoing server (with reverse lookup) so that outgoing mail will be accepted by servers that care, which of course they should.

James Taylor
The East Cobb Group, Inc.
james.taylor at eastcobbgroup.com

>>> Christopher Fowler <cfowler at outpostsentinel.com> 2/18/2009 09:13 AM >>> 
James Taylor wrote:
> When I check the mx records for outpostsentinel.com, I get an entirely different result from the reverse lookup of
> Either there is something screwy with DNS records somewhere, or you mx records are configured wrong.  My filter would definitely not like you mail.
> -jt

outpostsentinel.com's incoming mail and website is hosted by earthlink.  
This is why they have the DNS
records.  The outbound mail is done by  All our servers 
in the colo are under opsdc.com
domain.  I guess if I change my From address to cfowler at opsdc.com my 
mail would no longer be spam?

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