[ale] Proposed ALE/Chugalug Outing..

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Tue Feb 17 10:27:11 EST 2009

On Tue, 17 Feb 2009, Sean wrote:

> Where is this museum?
> Sean,
>   Who has a grandson who is totally hooked on old trains and
> the English stories about Thomas (the yard engine) and his friends.

http://www.tvrail.com/   - Chattanooga TN.

The website does not give the yard credit.. lots of cool trains
in the yard, including some attempts at high speed passenger trains.
My fav: Amtrak skydome.. I had ridden many a mile in one many many moons 
ago - what a way to see the country.

Looks like, from both public and private e-mails I have received..
I have some work to do in a couple of months.

I'll table this until I talk to them about schedule and options,
Guessing that April or May will be a good time to bring this up
and schedule it.

Notes to various comments included in other emails.
  You can't just put a passenger car on a freight train..
  The tracks ran on have to be "passenger certified" and the
  train scheduling and routing is different if there are passengers.
  That's why there is no Amtrack in Chattanooga. No passenger
  capable rails..

  And yes, Disney Cruises rock. Even if you don't have kids.
  We use the Disney Monorail at least once or twice a year.
  Everyone should experience it (and Disney).

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