[ale] Gmail/Googlemail question

David Tomaschik david at tuxteam.com
Sat Feb 14 00:27:37 EST 2009

Jim Popovitch wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 18:42, William Bagwell <rb211 at tds.net> wrote:
>> My ISP is outsourcing its mailservers to Google. I need to know if this
>> issue regarding my own posts to lists applies to POP mail. The wording
>> implies it only effects web mail, which I seldom use. If both, this is
>> unacceptable to me and I plan to complain to my ISP. Which I suspect will
>> be a total waste of time...
> IIRC with gmail pop you will get your own reply to a mailinglist, but
> not with gmail www or imap.
> -Jim P.
Using GMail's servers for my own domain, that has been my experience. 
Over POP it shows, over IMAP and WWW, it doesn't.


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