[ale] Least expensive way to watch TV on a PC ?

Ken Ratliff forsaken at targaryen.us
Thu Feb 12 15:03:48 EST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Ah, excuse me, I'm on crack. Yeah, most folks aren't shipping anymore  
analog only cards, the tuners are capable of both

On Feb 12, 2009, at 2:50 PM, Jim Kinney wrote:

> Ken,
> I'm puzzled. I was at Microcenter 2 days ago. Every capture card
> supports NTSC. What is new is the digital support. In order to get a
> TV signal into a computer, device must be used to translate the signal
> into something the computer can use. In the past, that has been a
> capture card. If you know of a different way to get tv data, whether
> ntsc/pal analog or new digital, into a pc, I am very interested in
> learning about it as my son is doing a video project and the capture
> card I have is a total pile of poo (at _least_ 10 years old and very
> crappy signal quality.)

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