[ale] mandriva powerpack 2009

Paul Cartwright ale at pcartwright.com
Thu Feb 5 13:41:26 EST 2009

On Thu February 5 2009, Geoffrey wrote:
> I've just had various issues with the latest fedora offerings.  I don't
> like the changes they've made to installing software.  My latest issue
> was when I tried to get wireless networking setup on this same laptop, I
> kept getting an error saying that the ip address I was trying to use was
> in use, and I know it was not.
mine booted and said I was connected via wireless, even though the wired eth0 
was plugged in.. (Fedora 10)

> Also, I've never been able to get wireless config on fedora to pick up
> an ip from a dhcp server.  I figured it had something to do with the
> fact that my dhcp is being passed through from one server through a
> wireless router.  This just worked on Mandriva.
I get dhcp from my router also. glad it works!
I just went through my older Linux Magazine DVDs and threw away Fedora 7 & 8, 
older Mandriva, Ubuntu 7.10, Sabayon... kept the newer Mandriva..

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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