[ale] email server

Brandon Checketts brandon at brandonchecketts.com
Mon Dec 14 10:45:07 EST 2009

The MX record can be any name that resolves to the server that accepts
the messages.  You shouldn't have to reconfigure anything in your MTA.

Brandon Checketts

Paul Cartwright wrote:
> On Sun December 13 2009, Jim Kinney wrote:
>> Since you are doing this through free/tiny/dyndns, you'll need to review
>> their docs on how to add it. Basically you just need it to point to the
>> same place as your web server most likely.
> ok, I see the page to change it, but I'm not sure what to put for the MX 
> hostname..
> Mail Routing:
>  Yes, let me configure Email routing. [?]
> MX Hostname:
> Primary:
>  Yes, use it as my primary mail relay. [?]
>  No, use it as backup MX record. [?]
> should the MX hostname just be the name of the server, as in 
> pauls-server.homelinux.org, or do you/should you add 
> mail.pauls-server.homelinux.org ?
> If I add the mail.xxxx do I just have to add it to my /etc/hosts, or rerun the 
> dpkg-reconfigure..

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