[ale] I need funding and an excuse

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 12:30:55 EDT 2009

interlinking 512 cpu's through the hyperlink bus is a pretty
impressive feat. Then keeping those nodes in lock-step is a feat. Now
toss in the backchannel memory linking for a NUMA mesh memory model,
it gets pretty impressive.

Granted, they are no longer having to build everything into a tank
full of $3000/gal cooling oil...

It is my understanding that the Cray XT5 scalability involves a
completely parallel scaling process, each cabinet adds exactly the
same cpu/ram/throughput as the next. Most scaling systems are not
linear but asymptotic. That is quite impressive.

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Chris
Fowler<cfowler at outpostsentinel.com> wrote:
> This is actually very sad.
> I've heard stories of the ingenuity that went on at Cray years ago.  To
> think they've implemented a pretty cabinet with a bunch of AMD blades.
> No offense to those of us that love x86 but it just does not seem as
> exciting to me as it may for be for others.
> On Wed, 2009-08-19 at 08:47 -0400, Jim Kinney wrote:
>> 'cause I want to play with one of these:
>> http://www.cray.com/xt/istanbul/
>> highperformancelinuxcomputingdrooldroolmassivelyparalleldroolbigfreakingonzonumbercrunchingdrooldrooldrool
>> --
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James P. Kinney III
Actively in pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness

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