[ale] write to stderr via javascript?

Atlanta Geek atlantageek at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 13:49:35 EDT 2009

Well Im not an expert on javascript but I think every browser has a
built in javascript console.  A browser generation ago I could see it
with "javascript:" in the location bar.  It seems to stop working in
my firefox 3.x browser.

Anyway the point is is that I think every browser has a built-in
console thus not requiring your users to install a add-on or plugin.
When a problem occurs you can have the the user write to that.

On a side note if you want to get a little more complicated you could
have the javascript make ajax/http calls
back to the server to log errors.

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Geoffrey<lists at serioustechnology.com> wrote:
> Richard Bronosky wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Geoffrey<lists at serioustechnology.com> wrote:
>>> Matt Rideout wrote:
>>>> What are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to have the client
>>>> trigger something that logs to stderr on the server side?
>>> Unfortunately, yes.
>> Well, that's easy then, but not likely to be useful. You could use
>> AJAX methodology to access an API that you could create that writes to
>> /dev/stderr. But, stderr,  like stdin or stdout is process specific.
>> Since your web server is likely to be running as a daemon, I don't
>> know that you would ever know that the write happened.
>> Why not take a step back and instead of trying to get help
>> implementing your chosen solution, let us help you with your existing
>> problem. Can you tell us more about the problem you are trying to
>> solve? Since this is now a server side issue, can you tell us what
>> languages/frameworks you have at your disposal? (eg. PHP,
>> Python/Django, Ruby/Rails, ASP/GunInMouth, etc.)
> What I'm trying to do is log problems with javascript code somewhere so
> that I can see what the problem is.  Grant it, for testing purposes, I
> can see write to the error console, but that doesn't do me any good when
> a user runs into a problem.
> --
> Until later, Geoffrey
> Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
> temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
>  - Benjamin Franklin
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