[ale] Linux apparently illegal in MA

Dylan Northrup docx at io.com
Mon Apr 20 10:31:30 EDT 2009

A long time ago, (20.04.09), in a galaxy far, far away, Jim Kinney wrote:

:=On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 12:07 AM, Robert Reese~ <ale at sixit.com> wrote:
:=> OTOH, you are right that not every Constitutionally guaranteed right exists on
:=> private property or in other private situations.  A prime example is that no one
:=> has the 1st Amendment right on my private property.

Actually, my 1st Ammendment rights do exist on your private property.  I
can establish a religion and freely exercise it, speak freely and/or publish
my ideas freely, assemble peacably and petition the government for redress
of grievances all free of Congress legislating against it.  This does not, 
however, prevent you as a private landowner from escorting me off your 
property (or having the government, in the form of the police doing it for
you for trespassing).  Just because the government is proscribed from doing
something doesn't mean a private individual is also proscribed from doing
that same thing.

Presuming the Executive Branch follows the spirit and letter of the law (and
I shall say no more to prevent this from veering into an inappropriate
post), the entirety of the Constitution and all of its ammendments apply in
all places that the US has sovereignty.

Dylan Northrup - docx at io.com - http://www.io.com/~docx/
"Harder to work, harder to strive, hard to be glad to be alive, but it's
 really worth it if you give it a try." -- Cowboy Mouth, 'Easy'

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