[ale] OT: Comcast and digital TV

Geoffrey lists at serioustechnology.com
Thu Apr 2 13:10:07 EDT 2009

THanks for the pointer. I was told that this applied to dish antennas. 
I'll review the doc though.  Thanks again.

krwatson at cc.gatech.edu wrote:
>> Can't put an antenna on the roof here, HOA covenants...  I was
>> hoping to put one in the attic though. Let me know how it goes for
>> you once you get it there?
> Geoffrey,
> According to this a covenant can not prevent you from putting up an
> antenna of OTA reception.
> Q: My Homeowners association prohibits antennas on the roof, what can
> I do? http://www.solidsignal.com/antennas/antenna_faqs.asp
> A: Show them the Federal law concerning antennas, homeowners and
> their rights. In 1996, The FCC affirmed the rights of homeowners to
> place antennas on property they own or control.* Check out the FCC
> ruling here: http://www.fcc.gov/mb/facts/otard.html. The law
> basically states that homeowner association covenants cannot prevent
> you from installing antennas or dishes. The rule "prohibits
> restrictions that impair the installation, maintenance or use of
> antennas used to receive video programming." *Masts higher than 12
> feet above the roofline may be subject to local permitting
> requirements.
> Preemption of Restrictions on Placement of Direct Broadcast
> Satellite, Broadband Radio Service, and Television Broadcast Antennas
>  http://www.fcc.gov/mb/facts/otard.html
> keith

Until later, Geoffrey

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
  - Benjamin Franklin

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