[ale] LVM Question

Gene Poole gene.poole at macys.com
Wed Sep 24 09:36:32 EDT 2008

I performed an extend (lvextend) on a file system that was running out 
of space.  All of the return codes and messages showed a good 
completion.  However, when I did a display on the file system (df -m 
/work) it didn't show that the file system had been extended.

The first display command was:

    lvdisplay /dev/DataVG00/DataLV01

And it return the following messages:

      --- Logical volume ---
  LV Name                /dev/DataVG00/DataLV01
  VG Name                DataVG00
  LV UUID                hU4l3x-QLGB-Bcat-rFo3-V7Oo-uKDT-1d1od9
  LV Write Access        read/write
  LV Status              available
  # open                 1
  LV Size                46.00 GB
  Current LE             1472
  Segments               3
  Allocation             inherit
  Read ahead sectors     0
  Block device           253:16
The second display command was:

    df -m /work

And it returned the following message:
Filesystem           1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                         31742     20998      9107  70% /work

Should I be concerned?  What can I do to make the available space show 
up?  I've even re-booted the machine before I drafted the message.

Gene Poole
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