[ale] Atlanta Linux Fest 2008!

aaron aaron at pd.org
Sun Sep 21 17:42:06 EDT 2008

On Saturday 20 September 2008 18:46, Scott Warfield wrote:
> I should have checked the list a day sooner, damn
> Scott M. Warfield
> IBM X-Force Developer
> email: swarfiel at us.ibm.com
> phone: 770.513.6270

Sincerely sorry that you were out of sync with the notices of the
event.  I know it's unusual, but we actually had some advance
postings about Linux Fest 2008 over the past few weeks, and
notice has been up on our ale.org site since the end of August.

I'm especially sorry since it was a great Linux Fest!  Raffle ticket
numbers show that we had about 100 people attend for at least
part of the day and it looked like most of them stayed for the
whole event. There were several helpful presentations with a
focus on new and intermediate users that covered Dual Boot
installs, Virtual Box, SSH / PGP and options for Linux Gamers.
Also, for the more advanced geeks in the crowd, Jim Popovitch
offered an informative overview of running IBM Lotus Notes
on Linux in the enterprise environment and David Nalley, the
Fedora "ambassador" from Greenville, SC, gave a preview of
features to look for in the upcoming Fedora 10 release.
Other amusements included a Pizza & Pop lunch, lots of
SWAG snagging, a dozen or so Linux books being raffled
off, plus the crowd was regularly pelted by Ubuntu Tux
and Suse Geeko** plushes.

Kudos go to Jim Popovitch for arranging the venue as well,
and to the Georgia Ubuntu Loco team (Joel, Josh, Jon,
Nick, etc.) for doing some great organizing and providing the
bulk of the presentations.  I was able to help out by providing
power and wired network distribution hardware, plus I got to
see several ALE associates and enjoyed helping a couple of
new Linux users get their systems installed with Ubuntu!

The next big event to watch for is the ALE / Ubuntu Linux
Fest that should be happenning the first part of November
to accompany the October release of Ubuntu 8.10.  I also
talked to the Fedora rep from Greenville about presenting
at our November 20th ALE Central meeting in conjunction
with the release of Fedora 10.  Some South Carolina Linux
fans are also working on a Linux Expo / Linux Showcase
type of event for June, 2009, and they have extended an
open invitation for interested ALE members to help with
organizing and promotion -- for additional information
contact David Yates <dsyates at lottalinuxlinks.com>.
So, again, apologies to anyone who missed the Atlanta
Linux Fest celebration of Software Freedom Day, 2008,
but I can assure you that fellow geeks are busy building
more events like it for the coming year. And remember, as
always, the best way to get the most _out_ of these Linux
community building events is to put a little of your time
and energy _in_!

ALE Event Coordinator,
arxaaron at gmail.com

**RE: Suse Geeko plushes:
-- I plan to be hosting the annual "Burn The Lizard"
ceremonial bonfire at Railroad Earth soon as a public
service to help manage the dangerous global Geeko
population problem. 

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