[ale] OT cd labels

Robert Reese~ ale at sixit.com
Wed Sep 17 15:24:54 EDT 2008

Have you considered LightScribe?

Oh, and I second the Sharpie.  I haven't used a label in years other than LightScribe and Disc T at ttoo from Yamaha which is similar to LightScribe but uses the unburned portion of the data side to engrave the images/text.  However, finding a drive that supports that is difficult these days.


> Everyone sells Paper Stick on CD/DVD labels
> I use about 100-200 a year, not much. I want good one, not junk,
> although I dont want them real thick and I dont print designs on
> them, only Text
> Anyone know where to get good ones at a reasonable price. thanks jt

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