[ale] mobile updates to website

Preston Boyington preston.lists at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 08:40:18 EDT 2008

Brian Pitts wrote:
> Sounds like a job for GeoRSS. It's supported by Google Maps [0] and
> Wordpress.
> [0]
> http://googlemapsapi.blogspot.com/2007/03/kml-and-georss-support-added-to-google.html
> [1] http://georss.org/geopress

Thanks, that is looking pretty good.

Postie is doing the email / cell phone updates to my site now that I
have adjusted the permissions.  From my understanding Verizon's VZ
Navigator might be able to do the GPS to text message.  now I will start
focusing on that part.

If I can get the OpenGPS Tracker together in time I will be able to send
a text from my cell to it and then it can relay the correct information
to my email addresses.

Without having a working assembly, I am just having to speculate about
much of this.

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