[ale] To: old timers that have a gmail account

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Fri Nov 21 21:00:03 EST 2008

>> :=I still use green on black.  It was chosen for a reason!

The reason was... that yellowish green was the original phospher color.
Not many choices. the White stuff was reserved for TV sets.. It was more 

But then, how many of us (besides me) have used screens that painted 
characters across the CRT and used a long memory phosphor for persistence.
and the characters would fade until the beam came back around and
you could watch it draw them again. 'Clear Screen' used to drop
the high voltage from the screen for a second to clear the screen..
or maybe it flooded it with high voltage.. I have forgotten.
But I loved the vector fonts and vector drawing in the old Textronix
terminals. I was sure CRT's would never be able to do better than that.. 

I used to really like Amber on black... but as I age, White on Black in 
xterm is the best,. It's the first thing I add to a fresh install.
"xterm -bg black -fg white" on the menu bar.

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