[ale] To: old timers that have a gmail account

Dylan Northrup docx at io.com
Fri Nov 21 16:55:18 EST 2008

A long time ago, (21.11.08), in a galaxy far, far away, Pete Hardie wrote:

:=On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 14:56, Paul Cartwright <ale at pcartwright.com> wrote:
:=> On Fri November 21 2008, Greg Freemyer wrote:
:=>> I feel like I'm back in the 70's, but my mouse works!!
:=> even the 80's.. 4425 terminals, green screen.. late 80's...
:=I still use green on black.  It was chosen for a reason!

[~] [16:53:53] macedonia> alias xt
alias xt='~/.xterm.sh'
[~] [16:53:55] macedonia> cat ~/.xterm.sh
xterm -bg black -fg green -ls -sb -si -sk -sl 100000 $1 &
[~] [16:54:02] macedonia> 

Dylan Northrup - docx at io.com - http://www.io.com/~docx/
"Harder to work, harder to strive, hard to be glad to be alive, but it's
 really worth it if you give it a try." -- Cowboy Mouth, 'Easy'

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