[ale] OT: Synchronizing cell phones with GNOKII

John Mills johnmills at speakeasy.net
Thu Nov 20 13:31:46 EST 2008

Geoffrey -

Thanks. Your assumptions are correct; I'll give your suggestion a shot.

I only need to sort on the first characters of the name, however it 
appears (first, last, business, ...).


  - Mills

On Thu, 20 Nov 2008, Geoffrey wrote:

> John Mills wrote:

>> I exported the two phonebooks with GNOKII as files of records of the form:

>> <name with spaces>;<phone_number>;<memory_type>;<seq_number>;5<NL>

>> I would like to sort the lists by phone number in order to cull and combine 
>> them, probably re-sort by name, then adjust the sequence numbers.

> I'm assuming the '<>' are not in the data.  That being said, you should be 
> able to sort by phone number as follows:
> sort -t ';' --key=2.1,2.10 filename
> Test it, I didn't. :)
> As for sorting by name, do you want to sort by last name?  That makes it a 
> bit more challenging.

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