[ale] Recall: Job Opportunity- Linux/System Admin

Daniel Howard dhhoward at comcast.net
Thu May 15 11:57:32 EDT 2008

 >One day we should go ahead and put a bullet in this attitude.
 >Now would be good.

Hooray Jerald!  Frankly, the schools and educators I talk to are in the 
same category as HR folk more often that not.  Let's say I meet with a 
new school district, find ears that are willing to listen, and find an 
Windoz admin there (often a very young guy/gal!) who wants to learn 
about Linux.  My dream would be to get them on this group to start 
learning, but yes, I'm often fearful of that due to the reaction that 
noobs can sometimes get, so I hesitate.  And BTW, thanks to all for not 
scaring me away in my early years, but I'm old and used to arrows and 
tomatoes I guess, especially when evangelizing Linux to schools.  I 
really believe that if we acknowledge as part of our mission the 
education (in a nice way) of new Linux users or even those that come 
into contact with it like our HR friend, not just professionals and 
serious students of Linux, we'll contribute to a seachange here in 
Atlanta that I firmly believe is possible.


Daniel Howard
President and CEO
Georgia Open Source Education Foundation

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