[ale] Weird ubuntu tricks...

Brian Pitts brian at polibyte.com
Wed Mar 26 23:13:29 EDT 2008

Jim Popovitch wrote:
  > How are you measuring that?
> Also, idle isn't really considered normal use of a PC, and I would
> imagine some folks would prefer that even a moderate load wouldn't
> overload their power supply. ;-)

I'm measuring with a Kill-A-Watt P440 power meter [0]. The PC is plugged 
into a UPS which is plugged into the kill-a-watt. Like I said, starting 
3D rendering, two processes spinning on sqrt(), two spinning on sync(), 
two spinning on malloc()/free(), and two spinning on write/unlink() 
didn't even bring the power draw up to 150 watts.

I don't subscribe to the idea that newer computers need more power or 
the maximum wattage figure is a good measure of a PSU's capabilities.
If anyone is look for a good PSU right now, the Antec EA380 is on sale 
for $30 after rebate [1].


[0] http://www.p3international.com/products/special/P4400/P4400-CE.html
[1] http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371005

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