[ale] server down issues

Thompson Freeman tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Tue Mar 18 22:45:43 EDT 2008

On 03/18/2008 09:26:52 AM, Jim Kinney wrote:
> OK. Maybe this will google group will do it's job :)
> The server is having a heart attack almost daily now. The last reboot
> was good for less than 2 hours. We have hardware support help ocuring
> tonight so sit tight and let us get this back online with a new
> server.
> Also, if anyone wants to assist in the design and build of a super-
> duty skeet thrower capable of tossing a 45lb box at least 50yds...
<<smartaleck mode>>
Sounds like you want a heavy duty trebuche type hurler. You might want 
to check with the Delaware pumpkin chunkin folks and discover how to 
borry one of their big ones.

If you do, and figure out how to get the machine to the Atlanta area, 
let everybody know...

I'll shut up now and let the pros get on with getting things fixed 

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