[ale] [rant] I dislike "we only support winblows/OS X" AT&T internet

Michael B. Trausch mike at trausch.us
Tue Mar 4 00:24:20 EST 2008

On Mon, 2008-03-03 at 13:22 -0500, Ned Williams wrote:
> This means when you, you're gf, your mom,dad uncle or whomever has
> their service all agreed to these terms when you got the service..
> don't agree fine, get speak easy, they support Linux and your blood
> pressure will be lower...but don't expect the AT&T's  Chennai support
> center to understand the eccentricities of the  latest Debian release,
> when their product list is limited to windows only..
> and hey if it helps..they don't support Vista either

The whole point is that they shouldn't be supporting the technology on
the CPE side at all, other than their own equipment which is required to
interface with their network.  And since all of that is
computer/operating system/etc. independent, it shouldn't matter.

When I call in to report an issue, I am _never_ calling in to tell them
that I need a password reset, or that my system is chock-full of
malware, or anything that has anything at all to do with my computer, my
operating system, my network equipment, or any of that.  I eliminate all
of those causes before I ever even pick up the phone.

When I call, I am usually trying to get status on an outage, or trying
to determine why ping time is suddenly 30000ms to my local gateway, or
why there are massively large amounts of packets being dropped by the
local gateway, etc...

	--- Mike

Michael B. Trausch                                   mike at trausch.us
home: 404-592-5746, 1                                 www.trausch.us
cell: 678-522-7934                       im: mike at trausch.us, jabber
Ubuntu Unofficial Backports Project:    http://backports.trausch.us/

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