[ale] OT: Skype

Ed L. Cashin ecashin at noserose.net
Sat Jun 28 10:45:21 EDT 2008

2008/6/28 Scott Castaline <hscast at charter.net>:
> Any skype users out there? I have some questions to ask if you want to
> contact me off list, in addition to the 3 below.
> 1. Is it really only $2.95/month?

It was so cheap for unlimited dial out that I have forgotten
the price!  :)

> 2. Quality any good?

Yes.  I had a lot of trouble trying to call a cell phone in
Taiwan from Skype here in ATL, but I must admit I
thought that might not work.  ;)

> 3. Any gotchas?

I found that it matters what version of the Linux software
I used.  I was having trouble of some sort, but an upgrade
fixed it.

 Ed Cashin <ecashin at noserose.net>

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