[ale] Verizon and Comcast both offer faster speeds to customers

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Sun Jun 15 10:01:45 EDT 2008

On Sun, 15 Jun 2008, Paul Cartwright wrote:

> On Sun June 15 2008, Mike Harrison wrote:
>> If you haven't used "MTR" aka Matts Trace Route or My Trace Route
>> from a command line, you should. It's an insight into network flow
>> between two points.
> ok, neat!
> so I installed mtr and ran:
> $ mtr google.com
> the first time I was getting google.com StDev times 0g 8.0-10
> ran it again and am getting jc-in-f99.google.com StDevs of 0.4-0.70
> and on the command line I see this:
> mtr google.com
> Resolver error: No error returned but no answers given.

Sometimes you can catch google or google DNS burping.
StDev is "Standard Deviation" - I fin looking at the Average Best and 
Worst columns are the best indications.

m# mtr --report -c 5 www.google.com
                                    Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
   1. static-host-66-18-38-225.epb  0.0%     5    5.6   5.4   4.5   5.9   0.6
   2. ???                          100.0     5    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
   3. ???                          100.0     5    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
   4. ???                          100.0     5    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
   5.                   0.0%     5    6.5   6.1   3.8   7.5   1.4
   6. tbr2.attga.ip.att.net         0.0%     5   32.1  26.7  23.7  32.1   3.4
   7. cr1.attga.ip.att.net          0.0%     5   26.8  26.8  26.3  27.7   0.6
   8. cr2.wswdc.ip.att.net          0.0%     5   23.1  25.5  22.9  31.6   3.7
   9. tbr2.wswdc.ip.att.net         0.0%     5   28.9  27.8  26.3  28.9   1.1
  10.                  0.0%     5   39.7  28.3  23.7  39.7   6.5
  11.                  0.0%     5   25.3  25.3  20.9  38.0   7.3
  12.                0.0%     5   21.7  24.5  21.6  29.6   3.5
  13.                0.0%     5   24.7  25.8  21.0  29.7   3.7
  14.                0.0%     5   23.9  27.4  23.7  33.9   4.2
  15. od-in-f103.google.com         0.0%     5   24.8  25.3  21.2  29.9   4.3

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