[ale] simple python question

Brian Pitts brian at polibyte.com
Thu Jan 10 20:07:00 EST 2008

Thomas Stromberg wrote:
> The easiest way to explore things like this is to just open up the
> interactive python interpreter, by typing 'python' on your command
> line. Then you can enter things in as you please:

There's a nice alternative to the normal python shell.


# An enhanced Python shell designed for efficient interactive work. It 
includes many enhancements over the default Python shell, including the 
ability for controlling interactively all major GUI toolkits in a 
non-blocking manner.
# A library to build customized interactive environments using Python as 
the basic language (but with the possibility of having extended or 
alternate syntaxes).
# A system for interactive distributed and parallel computing (this is 
part of IPython's new development).


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