[ale] [OT] Brick Store Pub

Jeff Lightner jlightner at water.com
Mon Dec 15 12:05:57 EST 2008

If the food isn't good then that makes it an "authentic British pub"
doesn't it?  :p

-----Original Message-----
From: ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org] On Behalf Of
George Carless
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 11:49 AM
To: ale at ale.org
Subject: Re: [ale] [OT] Brick Store Pub


Do you have the link to the ratings of pubs on beeradvocate?

As a Brit, who therefore comes from somewhere where there's at least one

pub in every tiny village, I'm not certain about the "second best in the

world" rating, but brick store is indeed a great place (although it's a 
shame that the food isn't better--their excellent pretzels 


Jim Kinney (jim.kinney at gmail.com) wrote the following on Mon, Dec 15,
2008 at 
11:28:07AM -0500:
> I received notice today that Beer Advocate has voted the Brick Store
Pub in
> Decatur as the #2 beer pub in the world!
> Alas, they are closing early today (3 pm) for well deserved employee
> bash. They will reopen tomorrow at 4 pm to allow employee recovery
> Sounds like a party!
> To ALE folks who like beer, I can't recommend a visit to "the Brick"
> strongly enough. For the ALE folks not within 50 miles of Atlanta,
with the
> new world status, it may be worth a visit :-)
> http://www.brickstorepub.com
> Note: On a previous visit I got into a conversation with one of the
> wonderful people working the bar. She was amazingly knowledgeable
about the
> brewing process and could identify the brewer of specific beers from
> 5Seasons (also HIGHLY recommended - gourmet food and the local brews
> outstanding).
> http://www.5seasonsbrewing.com
> So for folks looking to "do something" over the holidays, my
> have been made.
> Disclaimer: I have no affiliations with location other than I've
> both locations as often as possible and been entertained by Dennis
> on the tables at Octoberfest at 5Seasons.
> -- 
> -- 
> James P. Kinney III

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