[ale] Issue with virtual hosts in Apache 2.2.9 on Debian

Brian Pitts brian at polibyte.com
Thu Aug 28 14:29:10 EDT 2008

Scott Denlinger wrote:
> It seems like until earlier this week, that "Listen 80" line was unnecessary,
> but when my default site no longer loaded, I added it in, and now everything's
> fine. I've tried to read the Apache documentation for virtual hosts, and that
> "NameVirtualHost *:80" clause looks like it's all I should theoretically need
> for requests on port 80. When I comment the Listen 80 out and reload the
> configuration, it doesn't listen anymore.
> Anyboday have any ideas about what's going on?

The 'Listen' command is necessary to set the ip addresses and ports to
which Apache binds.

You can specify an ip address and/or port in your NameVirtualHost and
<VirtualHost> directives if you don't want a site to be available on all
ip addresses and ports. Otherwise, you can just use

NameVirtualHost *
<VirtualHost *>


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