[ale] Fedora 9 64 bit

Solomon Peachy pizza at shaftnet.org
Fri Aug 22 06:36:43 EDT 2008

On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 12:36:47AM -0400, Jim Kinney wrote:
> No point in 64 bit unless you have more than 4 GB RAM. The PAE kernels will
> still work up to 32 GB RAM but they are much less efficient than a full
> 64-bit kernel.

In general, that's true -- excepting 64-bit arithmatic-heacy apps, for 
example, but x86_64 has other advantages of i386, including doubling the 
number of registers in the processor.

My daily work (heavy compiles, photo manipulation) is noticably faster 
when running with 64-bit binaries.  

(that said, my experience with sparc64 showed a slowdown in 64-bit 
 userspace.  except, again, when heavy number-crunching was employed.

 - Solomon
Solomon Peachy        		       pizza at shaftnet dot org	 
Melbourne, FL                          ^^ (mail/jabber/gtalk) ^^
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.          ICQ: 1318344

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