[ale] Back in Time: 'mwm' 'pager' question

James Taylor James.Taylor at eastcobbgroup.com
Sun Aug 17 13:24:07 EDT 2008

Does krdc not provide the options you need?
It's part of my standard installation.

I use it for all of my VNC and RDP connections, and it can be started from a command line with afair number of options. 


>>> John Mills <johnmills at speakeasy.net> 8/17/2008 01:11 PM >>> 
ALErs -

I run tightVNC from a SuSE-10.2 box and use 'mwm' to manage those Xvnc 
windows. I would like to start the Motif 'pager' in my exported window but 
I'm not having much luck. In fact I would like to start it with the 
'-iconify' option. What should I add to my '.vnc/startx' or '~/.mwmrc' to 
get the pager running on the window?

I don't recall how 'mwm' came to be installed.


  - Mills

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