[ale] Archiving directories/files with "compressed" mirror version

Michael B. Trausch mike at trausch.us
Thu Aug 14 18:43:33 EDT 2008

On Thu, 2008-08-14 at 11:22 -0400, Jim Kinney wrote:
> I like changing all the names to use "_" instead of " " on windows
> machines... smbmount then a cron job to clean things up...
> OK. So it _does_ sound a bit like BOFH tactics but it also seems to
> have a bit of speed-up in the file indexing process (no measurements
> just a perception).

Eh.  To each their own.  I have been known to take advantage of the
ability to use space in long file names, too.  Particularly media files,
because it makes sense to name them "$artist - $title.$type" or similar.
So, I can understand using them.

What I *don't* get is how sometimes people will do intentionally weird
things to fsck up their filenames.  It's, of course, the sign of a
knowledgeable user, but when you start seeing weird filenames like:

Thursday, 2008-Aug-14 at 18:39:38 - mbt at zest - Linux v2.6.24
Ubuntu Hardy:[0-12/647-0]:~> ls -l *fooyou
-rw-r--r-- 1 mbt mbt 0 2008-08-14 18:38 fooyou
-rw-r--r-- 1 mbt mbt 0 2008-08-14 18:39 ??fooyou

... (where, in this case, ?? is '\r\n') you begin to wonder why someone
would do that.  I suppose it's easy to make it possible to get rid of
scripts acting on the file.  After all, a script like the one that I
submitted will ignore the \r\n part of the filename (it looks like a
separator, so it won't get processed) and then try to act on a file
"fooyou" which is a totally different file.  (Or, it might act on a file
named "\r", use "\n" as a separator, and then act on a file "fooyou",
but you get the point).

But, still, I am not much a fan of weird stuff like that in names.  Any
Unicode character is fine by me, just avoid the control sequences, and
all is happy with me.  :-)

	--- Mike

My sigfile ran away and is on hiatus.
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