[ale] Fiber (was Ethernet)

Daniel Howard dhhoward at comcast.net
Sun Apr 13 17:23:09 EDT 2008

 >From: Brian Pitts <brian at polibyte.com>
 >This is one of the nice things that's evolved out of Free IT Athens.
 >Many volunteers have stopped hoarding parts or tools that they rarely
 >need and instead store them in our space for the community to use.

Community members who believe in community-developed software behaving 
like...a community....brilliant!

Wish we (ALE) had a space too, we could also use it for GOSEF/UUCACC 
activites, as I'm already getting my wife miffed at me for storing 
monitors and PCs in my basement for our next UUCACC installfest for a 
local community (there it is again..) design center.  I've asked the 
principal of Garden Hills Elementary if they fix the roof in the Scout 
Hut (small building on the school campus) if we can use it for community 
installfests and training to help get PCs into needy homes, which she 
wants to do.  It's not big and we might have to beef up the security of 
it, but it could work, stay tuned.


Daniel Howard
President and CEO
Georgia Open Source Education Foundation

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