[ale] License agreement for Linux based commercial systems..

Mike Harrison meuon at geeklabs.com
Wed Apr 2 12:45:46 EDT 2008

I'm working on a project, and while it's FOSS based (PHP/MySQL/etc..)
we're going to have to "sell/license" our end product (technically a 
collection of .php files. etc.. ) to a customer soon, and it's going
to have to pass legal muster in a large corporate environment.

The code will be running on -their- servers (LAMP), and we'll be 
supporting it. It'll be heavily customized for them, and we'll hopefully 
sell a couple more versions to others later.

Anyone out there got a good license example for this world for the legal 
guys to see an example of to customize for us?

I was hoping to use the MySQL Commercial License as an example, but after 
reading it, don't think it works well (for anything?).

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