[ale] Browsers (wasOT: Barcamp in Atlanta ((+ Alabama LUG Fest )+ ALE-UbuntuInstall Fest))

Brian Pitts brian at polibyte.com
Thu Sep 6 14:35:39 EDT 2007

James Taylor wrote:
> There's a setting for that, but I tend not to go out of my way to accommodate websites that are so poorly designed that they have to have certain browers... or think they do.
> -jt

I don't think it's unreasonable for a modern web application to insist 
that a web browser support a certain set of W3C recommendations. The 
problem is a poorly written and tested browser detection that rejects, 
in this case, a very modern, standards-compliant browser. When this was 
reported to the author of the webpage, he apologized for not testing 
with Seamonkey on Linux and tried to fix the problem. If instead the 
page had rejected someone using Netscape Navigator 4, it would have done 
the net a public service IMHO.

At least no one ended up at http://whyfirefoxisblocked.com/index1.php


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