[ale] A web page

Terry Bailey terry at bitlinx.com
Mon Nov 19 13:20:30 EST 2007


I am generating a web page on-the-fly using Perl.  So, the following 
is at the top of the script.

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

But toward the bottom of the script, I need to be able to download 
some binary files.

One file is abc.movx and the other is xyz.mp3x.  abc.movx will 
download but xyz.mp3x gives a 404 error.  They both have the same 
read,write, execute parameters.

I have tried using

Print "Content-type: application/octet-stream"

in various parts of the script, but , so far, that has not worked.

Any help would be appreciated.

Terry Bailey

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