[ale] Brave new World, that hath such Things! (fwd)
Brian W. Neu
ale at advancedopen.com
Wed May 23 17:11:35 EDT 2007
WARNING: if a two-color drawing of a female silhouette is offensive to
you, do not follow this link. Additional apologies for prolonging a
topic which has already been deemed by some to be inappropriate to this
list. If you are not the intended party whom finds such materials that
this author has found to hold valuable humor characteristics, you are
hereby instructed to delete this email immediately. Intended recipients
are also instructed that such humor is intended for their usage alone
and that this message may not be forwarded, copied, or duplicated in any
way. Anyone found to be using this material in a way that violates this
warning will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, which would
probably laugh the author out of court, but it sounds intimidating, so I
put it in here just like Wachovia does in their threatening disclaimers.
One might argue that it's not debasing . . . you just need to look at
it this way . .
Jeff Lightner wrote:
> If it were anatomically correct and could do wardrobe changes like
> Barbie it might be worth it...
> No wait, I meant to say: I'm shocked that anything so debasing towards
> women should be marketed. Yeh, that's the ticket.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org] On Behalf Of John
> Mills
> Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 3:30 PM
> To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
> Subject: [ale] Brave new World, that hath such Things! (fwd)
> I saw these in Fry's this morning. Fry's web-site product search drew a
> blank, but natually Google found it. Under $30US in the original M&S
> packages.
> [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_articl
> e_id=421521&in_page_id=1770&ct=5]
> Cheers!
> - Mills
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