[ale] Podcasts + iPod

David Corbin dcorbin at machturtle.com
Sun May 13 19:59:45 EDT 2007

On Sunday 13 May 2007 19:10, Pete Hardie wrote:
> On 5/13/07, David Corbin <dcorbin at machturtle.com> wrote:
> > What do folks use for 'managing' podcasts and distributing them to your
> > iPod (I say specifically ipod because it imposes certain additional
> > requirements on the software, but happy to hear about solutions for
> > generic MP3 players).
> >
> > I've tried
> >         amarok,
> >         gtkpod + gpodder and
> I've tried the first 2 and agree that there's something lacking.  I
> think that amarok has the better setup, but the packaged versions
> don't support the iPod video stuff, which is a key feature for me.
> gtkpod is my "best so far" solution.

Well, I have no interest in video stuff.  What I really want is a subscribed 
podcasts to *automatically* 'make their way' to the ipod, and for podcasts 
that HAVE been listened to to automatically go away.

amarok "claims" to do half of this, but it doesn't seem to work for me.  And 
of course, it doesn't do the last half :)

David Corbin

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