[ale] $* equivalent with quotes.

Danny Cox danscox at mindspring.com
Mon May 7 20:13:33 EDT 2007

On Sun, 2007-05-06 at 15:03 -0400, Geoffrey wrote:
> David Corbin wrote:
> > Is there bash equivalent to $*, but where each argument is quoted (I think I 
> > need single quotes, but having an option would be nice).  It seems like it's 
> > really necessary to right complex/robust shell scripts without a lot of 
> > repetition.
> I recall that $@ will list the args, but I don't recall the differences 
> between that and $*.

	You almost always want $@, at least in my experience.  But you also
need to quote it, like this:

	for FILE in "$@"
		foo "$FILE"

That will iterate across each file name even if it contains spaces.  The
"$*" version will split "words" at the spaces, and that's almost
certainly NOT what you want.


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