[ale] virtualize a FC6 box to a vmware image

James P. Kinney III jkinney at localnetsolutions.com
Thu May 3 09:47:31 EDT 2007

On Thu, 2007-05-03 at 09:23 -0400, Jeff Lightner wrote:

> It comes from the NSA so I fear the true meaning of SE is Spyware
> Embedded :p

That was a lot of people's first thought as well :) From my
understanding, NSA did this because they had an itch to scratch
internally and decided the process would be improved using the open
bazaar model that makes the kernel. Lately, the bulk of the SELinux code
is written by people outside of the NSA. RedHat is doing a lot to beef
up the configuration so that all processes are covered and securable. 
James P. Kinney III          
CEO & Director of Engineering 
Local Net Solutions,LLC        

GPG ID: 829C6CA7 James P. Kinney III (M.S. Physics)
<jkinney at localnetsolutions.com>
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