[ale] How do I get to run level 3? Ubuntu 6.10

Michael B. Trausch fd0man at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 14:56:38 EDT 2007

On Thu, 2007-03-29 at 12:32 -0400, Jerald Sheets wrote:
> On the other hand, I've used 1,2,3, 5 *and* 7.
> It all depends on the platforms you're using and the purposes you
> have.  The simple reason SysVInitScripts are as flexible and
> configurable as they are so that you will configure them and use their
> flexibility to your advantage.
> I'm just sayin'.

Oh, yeah.  I've been there and done that, too; I rather prefer this way
of doing things myself, though.  I think that the hardest part about
runlevels for me was being unable to explain to people that the system
is the same, regardless, and that the only thing special about runlevels
was that they were doing things for you that you could do by hand if you
wanted.  Of course, on non-SysV systems, that's pretty much how it works
anyway.  BSD doesn't even use runlevels, so you do it all by hand
anyway.  They're just a mechanism that can help (or hinder) you in
administering systems.  I think that runlevels are overkill for
workstations, and I think that they can even be overkill for servers,
myself.  I prefer the idea of "Booting, Single user, Running, or Reboot"
as the "runlevels" of a system.  Keeps things simple and relatively

    ? Mike

Michael B. Trausch
                    fd0man at gmail.com
Phone: (404) 592-5746
                          Jabber IM:
                    fd0man at gmail.com
              fd0man at livejournal.com
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