[ale] Vista vs Linux

Michael B. Trausch fd0man at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 17:37:37 EDT 2007

On Tue, 2007-03-27 at 16:07 -0400, James P. Kinney III wrote:

> It has to be urban legend. Once compiled, the comments in the source
> are
> gone. There is no way possible to recreate them with a decompiler. 

Wasn't there something in the EU that compelled Microsoft to release the
source code upon request--even if for a fee?

Microsoft has something on their web site about it, as well as other
sites that talked about that in January:

    -- Mike

Michael B. Trausch
                    fd0man at gmail.com
Phone: (404) 592-5746
                          Jabber IM:
                    fd0man at gmail.com
              fd0man at livejournal.com
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